Blog categories

As the title suggests there are five overall topics for this blog, each of them covers a different aspect of my personal view of science.

Educate. This category covers all the teaching ideas and development I’m involved with. It’s part of my reflective space (something I need to do for accreditation), but also contains information about how I’ve developed teaching material for the courses I’m involved in.

Experiment. This category covers all the work either I’m personally involved with, or the research group I work in contributes to: this might be tests in our lab, or collaborations with other labs, or perhaps links to clinical cancer treatments our lab is involved in. It also covers any posts that my colleagues might write about their work.

Experience. This category covers opinions and personal viewpoints. This might seem a bit usual, but the term experience can refer to the knowledge, feeling, wisdom or belief that someone has gathered over time, or perhaps as the result of an activity or event.

Explore. This category covers new science and new ideas. One of the great aspects of working on science is that there are sooooo many new ideas and amazing technologies around, and in my job I only come across a fraction of them. If I can blog about those I come across, I will.

Engage. This category relates to any issues regarding sharing science in a public or school setting, outreach activities and – whats called in the business – engagement.


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